jeudi 28 janvier 2010

Shawshank Redemption

The movie talk about a prisoner(Andy)who has been incarcerated unreasonably.During the movie,he tries to prove his innocence.He met a prisoner who was imprisoned for several crimes.They become friends.After several years in prison,he decides to convince an agency(or government)to lend him money to build a large and beautiful library in the prison.At the end of the movie,the prison guards seeking and discovering that Andy had dug a hole inorder to escape.He had a dream:go to the seaside.He told his friend to join him when he left jail.

The movie really touched me.The story is original and full of emotion.When Andy has dug a hole,I was surprised.Leaders were seen in their real days.I see that was not only prisonners who commited bad actions.
The main actor is Tom Robbins in the role of Andy Dufresne.His acting is full of sensitivity and emotion.He is able to move from one emotion to another during the same scene.
The secondary character is interpreted by Morgan Freeman.As usual,he delivered an interpretation without equal.He has an ease to interpreted his character.He is the film's narrator.
The movie is set largely in prison.We often see the cells of prisons and the prison cafeteria.At the end of the movie,we see the sea when Andy escapes from prison.
The score was composed by Thomas Newman.The majority of the score consists of dark piano music.It's a very beautiful music,it goes well with the script.
The main theme(End title)is more publicly known.I like this music because I love dramatic music.A central scene in the film features the ''Letter duet'',a piece of Mozart.Mozart is a big composer,so I like his music.Classical music is inspiring.
The cinematrography is perfect.Plans are clear and well focused.So,the message of the film makes quite the cinephile.

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