mardi 9 février 2010

Teacher man,a novel full of emotion!

So far, I read ten pages of my book.Initially, the author recounts what happened in his childhood.He wrote that his childhood was not a pleasure trip and that is what led him to be professeur.He wanted to help youth with their family or social problems because he understood what these young people felt.He mentioned gaps in the current education system and the studies he has undertaken throughout his life. Furthermore, he explains that the life of teachers is not always easy.

Frank McCourt is the main character. A teacher who does his best to impart his knowledge to his students and tries to help as he can.Also, so far, some students stand out from others by their evil behavior. There Petey, a prankster who loves to make laugh class, Andy, his friend who have the same behavior and Benny.They prevent the teacher to give his normal course.

After reading a few pages, I found the book really interesting because the author mentions the main character's feelings,his émotions deep or superficial.He has a way of writing that is unlike any other author, he can get to the essence of his message in a nutshell. It never drags on the same subject.

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