jeudi 25 février 2010

My suitcase!

If I was with the characters of the novel for a week,I would bring in my suitcase a grammar book to help the teacher to give his course.Furthermore, I would bring a pencil and a notepad to write my observations on how the teacher learns new material to his students.Also,I would take many games for kids,for they learn and play in the same time.Finally, I would buy an apple for the teacher, because a teacher is helpless without apple!

mardi 23 février 2010

Teacher man,a movie?

I would see Robin Williams in the role of Frank McCourt.Why?This actor has embodied a similar character in the movie The dead poets society. He was a professor who devoted himself to his students. I thought he interpreted the role with professionalism and he did his best to convey emotion.That's why I see him in this role.
In the role of principal, I would see the actor Jack Nicholson.In the novel, the principal is angry and does not allow someone to make mistakes.Jack Nicholson is able to embody the roles of all kinds.Moreover, he often makes movies in which he must be a villain, as in ''Shining''.

Also, I see the role of Joey Santos played by Daniel Radcliffe.In the role of Harry Potter, there is the curious type who wants to learn everything and know everything, which goes well with the role of Joey Santos.

In the role of Norma,a student monitor,I see the actress Susan Sarandon.Why?It is simply the best American actress to me.

In the role of Paulie's mother,I think that Kathy Bates is good to embolied this role.When she starred in Misery, she has proved it can be unkind to someone.

Finally,in the role of Kevin Dunne,I would see the actor Cameron Douglas.This actor looks like a thug, that goes well with the character of Kevin, who is a student with a great attention disorder.

mardi 9 février 2010


I wrote half of post 1 in late because I thought it would be done today. Hoping not to be penalized for it ...

Teacher man,a novel full of emotion!

So far, I read ten pages of my book.Initially, the author recounts what happened in his childhood.He wrote that his childhood was not a pleasure trip and that is what led him to be professeur.He wanted to help youth with their family or social problems because he understood what these young people felt.He mentioned gaps in the current education system and the studies he has undertaken throughout his life. Furthermore, he explains that the life of teachers is not always easy.

Frank McCourt is the main character. A teacher who does his best to impart his knowledge to his students and tries to help as he can.Also, so far, some students stand out from others by their evil behavior. There Petey, a prankster who loves to make laugh class, Andy, his friend who have the same behavior and Benny.They prevent the teacher to give his normal course.

After reading a few pages, I found the book really interesting because the author mentions the main character's feelings,his émotions deep or superficial.He has a way of writing that is unlike any other author, he can get to the essence of his message in a nutshell. It never drags on the same subject.

lundi 8 février 2010

Read,a wonderful hobby!

I like books where there is action.What interests me is when it tells the story of an ordinary person and that something special happens in his life.The books where there are police investigations also interest me.I like to try to discover for myself the end of the story, solving the riddle.

Patrick Sénecal is my favorite author.He knows how to keep his reader in suspense and knows how to reverse the situation intelligently.He wields the kind of fantasy and horror and has a literary style unusual.When we read a book by Patrick Senecal, we can not stop!

The title of the book I'm reading is: <>.The name of the author is Frank McCourt.

So far, I found the novel really interesting. This is an autobiography that chronicles the real life stories of a teacher during his career. I like the autobiography, because emotions thrown on paper are realistic, the facts are real and already experienced by a person who lived.The beginning of the novel is touching. The author tells us what led him to be a teacher, the trials he has faced, etc.. In his writing, he makes us go through various emotions: sadness, melancholy, joy. After reading these few pages, I foresee that the rest of the novel is just as delicious to read.

jeudi 28 janvier 2010

Shawshank Redemption

The movie talk about a prisoner(Andy)who has been incarcerated unreasonably.During the movie,he tries to prove his innocence.He met a prisoner who was imprisoned for several crimes.They become friends.After several years in prison,he decides to convince an agency(or government)to lend him money to build a large and beautiful library in the prison.At the end of the movie,the prison guards seeking and discovering that Andy had dug a hole inorder to escape.He had a dream:go to the seaside.He told his friend to join him when he left jail.

The movie really touched me.The story is original and full of emotion.When Andy has dug a hole,I was surprised.Leaders were seen in their real days.I see that was not only prisonners who commited bad actions.
The main actor is Tom Robbins in the role of Andy Dufresne.His acting is full of sensitivity and emotion.He is able to move from one emotion to another during the same scene.
The secondary character is interpreted by Morgan Freeman.As usual,he delivered an interpretation without equal.He has an ease to interpreted his character.He is the film's narrator.
The movie is set largely in prison.We often see the cells of prisons and the prison cafeteria.At the end of the movie,we see the sea when Andy escapes from prison.
The score was composed by Thomas Newman.The majority of the score consists of dark piano music.It's a very beautiful music,it goes well with the script.
The main theme(End title)is more publicly known.I like this music because I love dramatic music.A central scene in the film features the ''Letter duet'',a piece of Mozart.Mozart is a big composer,so I like his music.Classical music is inspiring.
The cinematrography is perfect.Plans are clear and well focused.So,the message of the film makes quite the cinephile.